Where can I get the best return on investment?
You are worth it! Numerous challenging events have crossed our calendars. Scars, bruises, and bandages litter our history. But the fundamental truth is that you were created with a unique intent and purpose. You matter. You are worth the time and effort to explore that truth. Why? Because the ever-growing version of you is needed. You and your sphere of influence need you to grow. Want to change the course of your family, change the steps of YOU.
Lisa Nichols said, “The reason people won’t become who they want is because they are too attached to who they’ve been. You’ve got to rescue you first.”
Commit and be willing to invest in you first. I know people who have consciously chosen an unhealthy lifestyle because they don’t believe they are worth the effort to take a simple walk. My heart breaks for them. They fail to believe inherent truth – every single person is valuable. Accept that truth and accomplish more than you ever imagined.
I hear you. “Katrena, that sounds super fluffy. You told us that there is a 100% vital action we should take. Please tell us how to effectively invest in ourselves so we know what is important?” (insert happy dance ‘cause my peeps are listening) You asked nicely, so let’s get started!
Be honest about where you are. Even the mall plans for folks to get lost trying to find the pretzel stand. The “You are here” dot on the mall directory brings comfort and humility. Humility because you were closer than you believed. But you panicked and gave up too early. Alternatively, that dot highlights that you were WAY off course. Pick your jaw up off the floor, plan to purchase a compass and take comfort - now you have a plotted course to get there. Note to self, the pretzel stand resides in the food court next the pizza stand, not next to the shoe store. Do the same with yourself. Acknowledge where you are – living with unfulfilled dreams, wasting away in an unsatisfactory job, or living with insufficient savings. It’s challenging to acknowledge our own shortcomings or falters, but honesty empowers us to change.
Be consistent because practice makes perfect, right? Sorta. I have plenty of middle school art projects that suggest ‘practice still makes terrible.’ My deepest apology to the art supplies sacrificed on the altar of Art 101. Consistently practicing the right actions brings about quality results. Consistent and correct practices create habits and set expectations. Consistent practices give us leave to make decisions on what we will and won’t do. If I plan to save $200 every month in my Roth IRA, I don’t divert it to a pair of headphones. I allow myself to say ‘no,’ then say ‘yes’ to figuring out a plan to save the necessary funds for the extra. Consistently practicing the right actions also helps me to break the wrong actions. That can be more important than anything else.
Finally, be intentional. Wandering can be adventurous when you are on a hike, but it isn’t a sustainable or fulfilling approach for life. (remember the pretzels?) Take the time to ask yourself what you want to accomplish. Where you see yourself in 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, etc. No requirement to change your personality, just be thoughtful about the person and situation you want to create. Whether you call it manifesting or walking by Faith, it’s a powerful force.
What deposits can you make in yourself today that will pay tremendous dividends tomorrow? Remember, it isn’t a one-time, major overhaul that you don’t do again, but hope that it changes your future. These deposits are small, consistent and meaningful. Read (or listen to) one non-fiction book a month, save $45 in a newly opened account, walk an additional 150 steps each day, apply for 5 jobs each month within your desired industry. The list is endless, but it is on us to construct and execute it.
Many before me have spoken this same message. So why am I? And how does this relate to personal finance? Perhaps I am that voice that reaches the right person at the right time to inspire timely action towards change. But if you don’t believe you are the best investment, nothing we ever discuss in a class or coaching session will matter and bring about actual progress. All the information will fall at the feet of a beautifully designed, yet unaware individual. What a shame that would be.
You know the drill. The 50/70/100 principle. What is the 50% uncomfortable, the 70% incremental and 100% vital that you can think about and do? Would love the opportunity to talk about it. Drop us a note at letstalk@studiomfinancial.net. Until we meet…keep working on the change.
Note: the Lisa Nichols quote was quoted by Terri Savelle Foy, in “the Alone Advantage” published 2024, pg. 20.